The mysterious and mesmerizing world of Dune is about to invade LEGO collections around the world. The long-awaited Lego Dune Ornithopter (10327) set is gradually being revealed, promising an unparalleled building and play experience. With a release scheduled for February 2024 and a price set at $164.99, this treasure is destined to become an instant classic.
A Trip to Arrakis
With 1369 meticulously crafted pieces, builders will be transported to the desert planet of Arrakis, where political intrigue and epic battles form the daily grindstone. Each piece is a step further into this distant world, each figurine an encounter with the iconic characters of Frank Herbert's sci-fi masterpiece.
Iconic figurines
The set includes minifigures of:
- Paul Atreides,
- Lady Jessica,
- Gurney Halleck,
- Chani,
- Leto Atreides,
- Liet Kynes,
- Duncan Idaho,
- Baron Harkonnen.
Each one is finely detailed, capturing the essence and character of the characters that fans have come to love and fear.
The Ornithopter - A Mechanical Marvel
The Ornithopter, with its foldable, flapping wings and deployable landing gear, is a masterpiece of design and engineering. Measuring 23 cm tall, 57 cm long, and 79 cm wide, it's ready to soar over the dunes of Arrakis, transporting players to a world of conflict, betrayal, and discovery.
An immersive experience
Each element of the Lego Dune Ornithopter (10327) set is designed to immerse builders in the world of Dune. Authentic details, intricate mechanics, and iconic characters promise hours of building and creative play.
So, get ready for an interstellar adventure where politics, power, and destiny intersect. The Lego Dune Ornithopter set is your ticket to a one-way journey to a universe where every dune, every character and every spaceship tells a story of love, war and survival. Don't miss this chance to own a piece of the Dune epic, recreated with the precision and imagination that LEGO is known for.
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